My information is largely hearsay, youngster recollection, and chance reading. Jimmie Foxx, who I never saw play, was like Bobby in that he never would bellyache a bad call. They never yakked it up with an umpire. I know some do it probably to get their team emotionally jacked up. I think it is childish and entertainment for the yahoos in the stands.
It is nothing but adult tantrum. Billy Martin appeared to be a crybaby kicking sand on the umpires shoes. Did he really do that? The umpire is a part of the game of life. You are not playing with the umpire even if you are playing against him. It does not matter if he is wrong or not, you play the cards you are dealt.
I learned that when I was young watching Bobby Doerr. I knew he was class even then. I thought he knew everything because he was a veteran and he was old. In my crowd we all knew that 30 was the ancient of days. Even so, at thirty I thought he would play forever. However I linked those two ideas together I can no longer fathom.